[Editor’s Note: Army Mad Scientist is CALLING ALL CREATORS with our Multi-Media Contest for imaginative artists who would like to showcase their ideas about future possibilities in alternative ways. Check out the following post, consult your inner muse, unleash your creative talent, get cracking developing your multi-media entry, and submit it to madscitradoc@gmail.com — Deadline for submission is 6 August 2021!]
Mad Scientist announces its CALLING ALL CREATORS ~ An Army Mad Scientist Multi-Media Contest. Unlike previous Mad Scientist contests that have sought submissions in prose (i.e., written essays, stories, or vignettes), this contest seeks to harness the talents of imaginative artists who want to showcase their ideas about future Operational Environment possibilities in diverse and alternative ways.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to:
Emerging aspects of the Operational Environment
- Leadership in the future
- Future surprises
- What the Army is missing
Media: We want to hear and see what our Mad Scientist Community of Action has to say about the Operational Environment and the changing character of warfare in novel and exciting new ways — to include, but not limited to:
- Haiku / Poem / Spoken Word
- Cartoon or Comic Strip (could be something as simple as stick figures, riffing on Doctrine Man!)
- Music / Lyrics
- Short Video — 1 minute or less, using live action, animation (e.g., Legos, action figures, modeling clay, drawings) or a combination thereof — the sky’s the limit! Check out this short example, derived from Mad Scientist Laboratory blog post 265. Located, Isolated, and Distracted – An Infantry Platoon Leader’s Experience, by COL Scott Shaw
- Short Video — 1 minute or less, using live action, animation (e.g., Legos, action figures, modeling clay, drawings) or a combination thereof — the sky’s the limit! Check out this short example, derived from Mad Scientist Laboratory blog post 265. Located, Isolated, and Distracted – An Infantry Platoon Leader’s Experience, by COL Scott Shaw
- Drawing / Painting
- Artificial Reality / Virtual Reality
- Basically, any type of creative expression that can be captured and submitted!
Contest Guidelines:
- Items must be unclassified, unpublished, and approved by your public affairs office (as required)
No affiliation with the U.S. Government is required – open to anyone and everyone on the planet!
- Team or individual entries welcome!
Contest Winner will be proclaimed an official Army Mad Scientist and featured here on the Mad Scientist Laboratory blog site!
Looking for inspiration? Explore our 330-plus Mad Scientist Laboratory blog posts for ideas!
Entries: Send your submissions and any questions you may have to: madscitradoc@gmail.com
Deadline for submission is 6 August 2021!