[Editor’s Note: On 8-9 August 2018, the U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) co-hosted the Mad Scientist Learning in 2050 Conference with Georgetown University’s Center for Security Studies in Washington, DC. Leading scientists, innovators, and scholars from academia, industry, … Read the rest
116. Three Futurist Urban Scenarios
[Editor’s Note: Mad Scientist welcomes back returning guest blogger Dr. Nir Buras with today’s post. We’ve found crowdsourcing (i.e., the gathering of ideas, thoughts, and concepts from a widespread variety of interested individuals) to be a very effective tool … Read the rest
114. Mad Scientist Science Fiction Writing Contest 2019
[Editor’s Note: Story Telling is a powerful tool that allows us to envision how innovative technologies could be employed and operationalized in the Future Operational Environment. Mad Scientist is seeking your visions of future combat with our Science Fiction … Read the rest
113. Connected Warfare
[Editor’s Note: As stated previously here in the Mad Scientist Laboratory, the nature of war remains inherently humanistic in the Future Operational Environment. Today’s post by guest blogger COL James K. Greer (USA-Ret.) calls on us to stop envisioning … Read the rest
112. A Strategy for Everything: Quantum Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Multiverse, and Feedback Loop of Finite Information
[Editor’s Note: Mad Scientist Laboratory is pleased to publish the following post by repeat guest blogger Mr. Victor R. Morris, addressing the relationship of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotic and Autonomous systems (RAS), and Quantum Information Science (QIS) to … Read the rest