(Editor’s Note: Originally published under the same title in Small Wars Journal, Mad Scientist Laboratory is pleased to have COL(R) Stefan J. Banach distill … Read the rest
31. Top Ten Bio Convergence Trends Impacting the Future Operational Environment
As Mad Scientist Laboratory has noted in previous blog posts, War is an intrinsically human endeavor. Rapid innovations in the biological sciences are changing how … Read the rest
30. Leveraging Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning to Meet Warfighter Needs
(Editor’s Note: The Mad Scientist Laboratory is pleased to present a companion piece to last Thursday’s post that addressed human-machine networks and their cross-domain effects.… Read the rest
29. Engaging Human-Machine Networks for Cross-domain Effects
(Editor’s Note: While war will remain an enduring human endeavor for the foreseeable future, engaging human networks will require a greater understanding of robotics, artificial … Read the rest
28. My City is Smarter than Yours!
(Editor’s Note: The Mad Scientist Laboratory is pleased to present the following post by returning guest blogger Mr. Pat Filbert)
Megacities will cause far … Read the rest