[Editor’s Note: One enduring aspect of the Operational Environment familiar to Mad Scientist Laboratory readers is — that which can be detected, can be targeted. This constant dynamic of Finders vs Hiders has recently favored the Finders, as … Read the rest
491. The OSINT Odyssey: Unmasking Digital Clues
“OSINT should be the ‘INT’ of first resort.”
[Editor’s Note: The TRADOC G-2 appreciates the value of Open-Source Intelligence (OSINT) in informing us about emergent trends across the Operational Environment (OE). For almost two years, analysts within the G-2 … Read the rest
490. Future Dynamics of Warfare: Everyone is a Player, Everything is a Target
[Editor’s Note: The Army’s Mad Scientist Laboratory is pleased to feature the first in a series of posts from the United States Army War College (USAWC) Team Sullivan’s Travels‘ Future Dynamics of Warfare: Everyone is a Player, Everything … Read the rest
489. Threat #49: I Think There’s Trouble Brewin’
“That sort of sets the stage for this new class of tools of engagement. And if we really want to call [them] weapons — so be it.”
[Editor’s Note: Humanity is entering an era of hyper-innovation as the potential … Read the rest
488. Revolutionizing 21st Century Warfighting: UAVs and C-UAS
[Editor’s Note: This decade has witnessed a revolution in warfighting with the proliferation of battlefield automation and the concurrent race to develop effective countermeasures. Constellations of inexpensive, expendable, small armed Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in the hands of dismounted … Read the rest