[Editor’s Note: The Mad Scientist Laboratory has continuously tracked the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI) since its inception in 2017. In our continuing mission to explore the evolving Operational Environment and identify the ramifications of emergent trends affecting … Read the rest
519. Active Defense: Shaping the Threat Environment
[Editor’s Note: In his insightful Sub-threshold Maneuver and the Flanking of U.S. National Security, Dr. Russell Glenn observed that China and Russia:
“... are choosing to sidestep U.S. conventional dominance…. seek[ing] to compete in fields cheaper to … Read the rest
518. 50 Shades of JIFCO
[Editor’s Note: Lest our readers think Army Mad Scientist is now pandering to the steamy novel set, today’s blog post by returning guest blogger Dr. Robert E. Smith, Science and Technology Advisor to USARPAC, explores the vital role … Read the rest
Announcement: The TRADOC Operational Environment is now a TRADOC Pamphlet!
Check out TRADOC’s new The Operational Environment 2024-2034: Large-Scale Combat Operations — now published as TRADOC Pamphlet 525-92. As such, this new publication serves as TRADOC’s informational publication defining the Operational Environment and is applicable command-wide.
Learn more about … Read the rest
517. Soldier Dominance and Battlefield Primacy
“What we’ve got to think about is, how do we make our Soldiers more effective, how do we maintain that battlefield primacy for our commanders, for our Soldiers, and for our units.”
[Editor’s Note: At the conclusion of Ian … Read the rest